Peters Koenig

  • Before buying or selling gold, look into the market price for gold for the day. There are Read This Article For The Best Gold Information on price for precious metals, so it’s important for you to know what the current going rate is. Top Pointers To Help You When Dealing With Gold will help you understand whether the dealer is overpriced or fair…[Read more]

  • Do your research on the fee and commission structures for the dealer you are considering. Every dealer will have slightly different commission structures. Some may be more fair to you than others, so use it as a way to comparison shop against multiple dealers. This way, you can get the best deal for you possible.

    If you decide to go with a mail…[Read more]

  • Are you interested in becoming a gold trader? Are you fascinated by the idea of owning gold? Are you wondering where to get started? If so, then you will want to read some excellent tips on where to begin your journey into market of gold. Read below for those great tips.

    How heavy your gold is will determine how much money you get for each…[Read more]

  • Get an estimate from several buyers before selling your gold. From pawn shops to jewelry stores, each location will charge a different premium on gold. By getting multiple estimates, you can be certain of getting the best price.

    Beware of buying or selling gold from any mobile offices or cold-call solicitations. These "businesses" are set up in…[Read more]

  • The surge in popularity of gold buying and selling in recent years is likely the result of the perfect storms of financial insecurity and economic turbulence. If investing in gold is something you have intended to learn more about, you have come to the right place. Continue on for some terrific tips that you can put to use right away.

    Do your…[Read more]

  • Peters Koenig became a registered member 3 years, 5 months ago