
  • Borup Klemmensen posted an update 4 years, 7 months ago

    WordPress is the single most important change to the way many people do business online. The free and simple to use software, which started off as a blogging platform, has evolved into a fully developed content management system. But many business owners find that they still have to pay for a unique design for their WordPress blog – does Frugal Theme solve that problem?
    Frugal Theme is a paid WordPress which allows anyone who is prepared to invest a little time a smart and easy way to develop a unique design for their websites. Frugal Theme has six panels of controls which allows you to control everything on your site from the header image, the design of your sidebars, your fonts, your background colours – absolutely everything. And you don’t need to write a line of code to do it!
    Other paid themes in the past have suggested that they could provide this – but Frugal is the first theme I’ve come across that actually delivers on their promise.
    For anyone looking for a genuinely usable and infinitely customisable WordPress theme Frugal is worth a second look. The features I find particularly powerful include:

    Frugal’s ability to have unique pages layouts with either no sidebars or sidebars unique to that page. In fact you can develop an entire business website using WordPress pages only with these options.

    Frugal Theme’s easy use of images which uses WordPress’s native support for thumbnails which means associating a thumbnail with a post’s extract as simple as clicking one button.

    Frugal’s ability for you to choose colours for your text and backgrounds by either using a colour picker tool or by typing in the hexadecimal code (much easier to get a number of different elements exactly the same colour by typing in the code).

    Frugal Theme’s code is very efficient – that means its fast loading on your website – a factor which Google is taking more and more into consideration.

    There is fantastic support for Frugal from the detailed step by step videos from the developer to an active support forum where questions are answered quickly.

    Frugal now has a track record of keeping up with what their customers want and also keeping on top of the frequent WordPress updates. This is critical for me – I am not paying for a theme that then doesn’t get updated often enough.
    Its easy to install different "skins" on Frugal which is basically a set of pre-set values which gives your blog a different appearance with one click.