Porter Kock posted an update 4 years, 9 months ago
Do you want your dog to sit, stay, shake or stop using your expensive oriental rug to hide his little "gifts"? Read through this article to find tips that will help you accomplish those things you are having issues with. You may even teach him to clean up those accidents he did not mean to have.
When you are wanting to work on training you dog you should start of by making sure that he knows his name. At least 10 times a day use their name for things like playing, feeding and treats. Try not to use their name in a punishment so that way when something good happens they think of their name as a good thing, not bad.
Digging can be a troublesome behavior with some dogs. One way to address this is to create an area where your dog is allowed to dig. Hide some of his favorite toys in the area, bury dog treats, and encourage him to spend time there. This can keep your dog out of your favorite garden and help him to enjoy your yard.
When training your dog, it is imperative that you remain patient at all times. Moving too quickly or losing your temper can confuse your dog and cause him to mistrust you. Without proper trust, your dog will never fully submit to your training and your relationship with your dog will surely suffer.
Young puppies can be quickly potty trained by keeping them with you all the time and carefully observing their actions. When very young they might need to be taken outside as frequently as every hour! By carefully watching them you’ll quickly learn how they act when they need to relieve themselves.
In many cases, a dog’s diet can be contributing to the behavior and health problems that he is having. Be sure that you are feeding your dog a balanced diet and he is going to thank you by adapting his behavior to be accepted, more important than that, he will be healthier for many more years.
A great dog training tip is to get rid of your dog’s food dish. Dog s like searching for things. They like to explore, and they like using their nose to locate goodies. By losing your dog’s food dish and by hiding dog food throughout the house, your dog will become much happier.
When trying to train your dog, always reinforce positive behaviors even when you’re not actively in a training session. It’s easy to remember to reward your dog during a training session, but it’s just as important to reward your dog for those trained behaviors the rest of the time, too. This builds a good connection for the dog between the behavior and the reward.
Give your dog love every time you see him. This is especially important if you are upset with his behavior. If you punish him you can actually do the opposite of what you intend to do. He may become less likely to respond to your training. Be nice, even if he just did something that makes you made.
Learn how to read your dog’s body language for a better dog training experience. Once you have found out what certain behaviors are signifying, you will have the knowledge to unlock hidden doors. You will be able to tell if they are tired, distracted by something else, or are in the perfect mood to learn. This provides you with a very great advantage.
Some dogs have enormous reserves of energy that can cause the dog to act crazy through out the day. For dogs like this a fenced in yard or electric collar fence can be a useful tool to allow the dog to run around in a contained area.
Be consistent will have more exercise and be more relaxed when it comes inside.Always deal with your dog if they are barking simply because they have nothing else to do. When your dog does this, you have to accept some of the blame on yourself. This means he isn’t getting proper mental stimulation and exercise. Take some time and play with him, or take him for regular walks. And when you aren’t there, give him some chew toys to keep him distracted.
A tip for small dog owners: make treats small to ensure your dog doesn’t become full during training sessions. Believe it or not, a dog will work just as hard for a treat the size of a pin-head as he will for a treat the size of your thumbnail. This way, training sessions can last longer and be more interesting.
Research how to show your dog leadership in a way that a dog understands. Dogs are not humans, and do not think as humans do. Not knowing the proper way to teach leadership to a dog, allows him to assume he is your leader. If you confuse the dog, it may stress him and cause him to act out in negative ways such as barking incessantly, biting, or tearing up your property.
Be sure to be realistic about what you expect of your dog. You are not going to be able to train him overnight. It is going to take a great deal of time and hard work to get him to perform the way that you want him to. It is going to take the longest time to break the normal dog habits like barking, but it will happen if you dedicate the time to training.
Take a slow and considered approach to introducing animals to new environments. Don’t adopt a new pet without considering the temperament of your current pet or pets. Try to find a new pet with a similar personality to the one you already own. This will speed up the bonding process.
Training your dog can be much easier if you use a crate. Use a consistent schedule for proper crate training of your dog. You will have fewer accidents if you take the time to crate train your dog.
Don’t give treats to your dog for no reason, and never feed your dog at the table. Feed your dog his dog food in the same place, at the same time, every day. Give treats as rewards for good work done during training time. Otherwise, praise and petting are ample indications that you are friends with your dog. Too many treats at the wrong times will produce a spoiled, overweight dog.
Don’t waste time with ineffective dog training methods, when you can get great strategies with just a bit of research and a bit more learning. There are many resources out there to help, starting with these dog training tips, which can provide great guidance as you start a new venture in training your dog.