Glenn Greve posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
How To Generate Traffic To Your Site And Build Your Subscribers List At The Same Time >
Now there is a Web site that offers review and ratings service that is free, thats right free. There is over a thousand Internet marketeers that tell you about different products and services related to Internet marketing. Its all about helping others on selecting software or services by giving reviews and ratings on them.
If you use a one time offer right after you give away a free product, you are striking while the iron is hot. You will get more positive results from a group of people who have agreed to receive free information from you.
Add Expert Interviews: Include an expert interview for ordering through your affiliate link. You could interview the owner to include as added value. Another idea would be to interview a whole group of experts on many related topics.
How To Increase Affiliate Marketing Profits Without Additional Effort put a smile on my face. This is not a tactics at all! A common sense can’t be called like that. There are no PPC tactics described in NAM whatsoever – do not look for them there, you won’t find one.
Viral Marketing. This is one of the most powerful technique when it comes to traffic generation. Provide free report to your customers and let them give away the free report. You can also put an affordable price, let’s say $7 and offer 100% commissions so the people giving away your product will be motivated to give it away, don’t worry about the initial sale, you can put an oto (one-time offer) product at a higher price and the back-end sales will be yours.
But this has to be done right. Before getting customers to enter payment information, first display the item that they are buying, just like how e-commerce sites with shopping carts. And below that, list some products RELATED for upsell.
So on
Make Money Online With Your Minisite , you can do something similar. Another thing that you can do is offer a money back guarantee. Typically you want your money back guarantee to last for 60 days. In fact, I believe ClickBank says to offer no more than 60 days from the time of purchase. And if you think this will hinder sales, it won’t.